Grief Encounter is delighted to announce that their Head of Fundraising, Louise Scott, has been published in one of Blackbaud’s popular E-Books entitled ‘Digital Futures’. Blackbaud are a world leader in relationship management software for the not for profit sector.

The brand new “Forget-me-not-Walk” was the focus of the report, and how it enabled Grief Encounter to shift from live to virtual events during lockdown. The unique event enabled Grief Encounter to raise vital funds whilst still maintaining a personal connection to donors.

Blackbaud have further invited Lou Scott to record a webinar this summer, to be shared with other charities around key learnings.

“When we realised that face-face fundraising events wouldn’t be going ahead as normal due to Covid-19 restrictions, we began to explore ways in which we could do it online. We considered a crowdfunding event, but our way of working is to build long lasting relationships – and we needed to find that balance between digital and maintaining those relationships. So that’s when we came up with the idea of a virtual memory walk. We began by reaching out to our closest supporters, then we got onto social media and used our brand new website to create an online registration process. We encouraged our supporters to share, share, share. I wanted this to be a national campaign – and soon it just took off!”

Download and read the full article here, along with other interesting articles in Blackbaud’s ‘Digtial Futures’ E-Book.