Grief Encounter CEO, Suzy Turner-Jones, spoke on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show yesterday morning, publicly supporting the current petition to Government to collect data on bereaved children, lending support to CBN, Winston’s Wish and CBUK. If the petition, which is currently on almost 6,000 signatures, reaches 10,000 signatures, it will be heard in government.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were other spaces where there was a requirement, say for schools, or for other places where children and young people go, to provide grief education, so that what we can do is make sure our resources are maximised.” Suzy Turner-Jones.
You can view and sign the petition by Mark Lemon on behalf of the charities, here.
Featured widely in both local and national media, Grief Encounter are often asked for comment when a bereavement issue arises in the press. If you are a member of the press and would like comment from, or information about Grief Encounter, please do not hesitate to contact us.